Posted by
Philip R. McDavid
Posted on
10:24 PM
Posted in
I haven't blogged in forever, let's see what's new....
So, Lila Signs is officially alive. I'll post pics. I think she's doing amazing for the short 2 weeks she's been doing it, and can't wait to see what she'll become in the future.
I am doing shows at Bottoms Up in Lakewood, Ohio, under the direction of the mot fabulous queen I know, Erica Martinez. We are even talking of me becoming her daughter! I am totally excited about that! I knew the minute I decided to become a Drag Queen, that I wanted to be apart of her family, and I knew the answer before she even asked. The complication comes in in the area of dancing. I don't. My friend, Christopher, is going to help me in that area. I also have my friend Ryan, who will be helping me by mixing tracks for me to perform. My friends have REALLY pulled together to help me in this. I have a few coworkers and regular guests that have been totally supportive, and yes, even some who are complete two faced bitches and can't say to my face what they do to everyone else behind my back. But I'll find that anywhere.
I am looking for a new job, since Target doesn't want to
accommodate my needs. I really love my job at
Starbucks. But when something doesn't pay the bills, it's time for a change. And Lila is expensive!
I think I'm just going to end this blog. Later